Fates Weekly Update #58

Hello, folks. This is was a pretty long week, wasn’t it? The weather was just starting to turn and the leaves are finally beginning to fall. Delaware has some really weird seasons for me. Then again, traveling the world has exposed me to a lot of really weird seasons. It’s one of the things that tends to creep into my works a lot. You might not believe this, but it turns out that different locations have different types of weather patterns. Weird, right? It won’t matter after I finish the device… I mean… there is no secret weather machine. This is an update about visual novels. Visual novels…

Writing: This week was pretty much geared towards two very specific scenes, one of which had a CG of it done this week as well. There was one event that was supposed to be in Rising Angels: Reborn that ended up getting cut from it since Sol’s route was dropped. Like everyone who exists, Natalie Puccile has a birthday. It’s one of those things that tends to get forgotten by heroes in video games, including some of the more mundane things like going to the restroom and vegging out on the sofa.

Every character has their own special way of celebrating the day of birth. It’s a bit trickier to do it in the middle of space, especially when certain races don’t really celebrate it. For most of the humans and lupide of Katajion space, it is a fairly traditional event. Parties with family and friends coming over, with the fifteenth being the biggest for humans. Lupide and kitsune tend to have larger celebrations since they generally have larger families and each birthday holds a lot more importance in their short lives. As such, Sol wants to bring back the good old days when they were kids while Kika wants to have an elaborate party that is befitting the moment. Kind of hard to do that on a ship, but never underestimate the resourcefulness of Kika.

Alexi is a bit of an oddball here as Raltins don’t generally have big parties to celebrate anything that aren’t state sponsored events. I’m not exactly sure how I am going to write out her version of the scene.

But the scene I was writing was with Natalie’s guardian. Draemon don’t really celebrate birthdays. Most of them couldn’t tell you how old they are or how long they were wildlings. It’s not like they have calendars in the middle of the unforgiving wilderness. So when Sol tells Zuri about Natalie’s upcoming birthday, she literally has no clue what it is. All she knows is what the rest of the crew tells her. Alexi in particular has some fun with her version of it. It ends up with Zuri not quite sure what to do, but knowing it might be super important to Natalie. The result… well, I’m happy with how the scene is turning out. I hope you will be as well.

Art: Several new CGs and backgrounds were finished this week! Sadly, most of the CG I can’t share because of the massive spoiler potential. Since I can’t share them, I will be a terrible person and give a bit of a tease. Lenna is getting a pretty sad CG. Probably the only one she will get in this game with her status as minor character. The next one is a super cute one with Zuri. Natalie and Zuri are still one of my favorite duos and Zuri really does give everything she has to giving her heart to Natalie. The last one involves a tired lupide trying to recover with the help of her caretaker who may or may not know what they are doing.

WIP: Always hire a trained doctor... wait, they do, don't they?
WIP: Always hire a trained doctor… wait, they do, don’t they?

As for the backgrounds, there are only a few left. The world of Rising Angels: Fates is almost completely developed!

Rising Angels: Hope: After a lot of problems and difficulties trying to get this project back on-track, we are moving it forward. So far, we have about 65% of the new sprites done and are moving along at a really good clip. Renmiou has been awesome to work with on fixing this. With most of the writing done and only the CG after it, I’m fairly confident that we may be seeing a new Rising Angels game on the horizon!

Yes, the twins are back.
Yes, the twins are back.

Sunday streams: One thing I used to do a lot was take prompts and have some fun with them to improve my skill as a writer. There’s nothing quite like getting some impromptu practice to help foster ideas and let loose some steam. Over the last year and a half, this practice fell by the wayside as work overtaxed me. Starting Sundays (the day I used to try and take off), I will be starting it up again for a couple hours. My intent is to stream it and give a chance to chat and ramble. The link should be posted tomorrow on the Rising Angels section of the Hyperspace Forums, assuming we can get the stream working right.

Brilliant Shadows has released! For those of you who don’t know, it is a really awesome visual novel done by Ithaqua Labs who are partners with IDHAS. Their artist is also the wonderful Geckos, who did Natalie’s sprite, the GUI, and the new outfits for the sprites. The game is amazing and I can’t stress it enough to go check it out. You won’t be disappointed.

That’s all for tonight, folks. Tune in tomorrow for our Sunday Stream! Until then, Chief out!


What’s the video of the post? I haven’t been listening to much lately… so let’s do a pop flashback! Yes, Chief listens to pretty much everything.

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