Winners of the Dreams of the Skies Contest

It has been a long, long day of misery and woe for me, but at least there is one bright spot in the day! Time to announce our winners for the contest. The reviews will be a little late coming due to my being at home for less than two hours a day, but we can announce the winners now at least!

Before I get into this, I want to thank everyone who participated. This project meant a lot to me. Dreams of the Skies holds a very dear place in my heart. To have people participate in this contest is something that I can’t express into words. All I can say is thank you so much and I hope you continue to support our work as we move forward.

Art Contest:
A common thing I noticed in this category was a lack of theme. In the end, theme was the determining factor between first and second. Third and fourth was also an incredibly close race. I mean it was decided by a hair. Hours were consumed debating 3rd, whose art was clearer and had a slightly more artistic impact, and 4th, who was the only person to nail the theme perfectly. Honestly, if I could have split 3rd and 4th, I would have. The final decision came down to my assistant. When we release the review this weekend, we will get into the exact debate that went on.

1st Place:


2nd Place:


3rd Place:


Writing contest:
Writing was very easy to determine first. While I absolutely adored every entry in here, 1st was grammatically sound and had wonderful emotional impact. The theme was easy to see as well. 2nd and 3rd had a close contest similar to the art’s. Emotional impact was what tipped the scales here. I personally loved Hope, hell I was very interested in reading what would be an interesting series, but Happy had that emotional factor that swayed the other judges.

1st Place:


2nd Place

Don Jones
3rd Place
Marley Jones

To those who won, you should be receiving messages from me shortly. The review will be posted up sometime this weekend; I’ll post it here as well as on my site. For those of you who are interested, there will also be a talk about the revival and merger of Echo Disks, Anton’s Vacation, and Anima.